I’m a word-nerd. And I still have a Webster’s dictionary which defines our word of the day:
Palindrome: a word, verse, or sentence or a number (such as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward
Today is 22822 the last of the palindrome dates for a while. So you can’t add any dashes or slashes to the date, but still, it’s fun. We’ve had a number of them (pun intended!) this month and all the way back to 12121. (Which you can interpret two ways.)
A special palindrome day this year was Tuesday, 2/22/22, which meant the same in European notation as here in the U.S. The notable day in the month of love helped push Las Vegas to issue its 5 Millionth wedding license0(0%). Little wonder, nobody should forget that anniversary!
Folks on Reddit had a lot to say about when a Tuesday-2s day happened last and when it will happen again, along with comments of those who watch the stars and study numerology. I’m not curating any of that here, it’s just a unique curiosity and I’m content with that. (Keep an eye out for the next one on 42424.)