Horned Worms

One of the notable episodes of my summer in the garden was the discovery of this horned worm on my tomato plant. This was my first encounter with such a bug and our acquaintance lasted less than a day. I found it while visiting my garden. There was an area of a tomato plant completely…

Calendar planner page

Get your marketing tasks done.

Are you ever frustrated that certain marketing or business efforts seem to always get pushed aside by more urgent projects? Or maybe there are so many things to do that it’s hard to decide what to work on. Maybe you need a plan. Last week, I had the distinct privilege of sharing how I applied…

Happy New Year

One of the best New Year’s Resolutions I ever heard was from a news personality who said his resolution was to “Pet more dogs.” Sounds like a worthy undertaking to me.  Do you make New Year’s resolutions? There’s still time! I must admit, I am a sucker for making New Year’s Resolutions.  But I am…



In this busy season, have you stopped and thought about what gives you joy? In The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, she recommends regularly going on an “Artist’s Date.” The concept is to schedule weekly time away so that you may engage in activities that bring you joy and inspiration. It’s a great idea. My creativity often…

Are You Bored with Your Brand?

You’re not alone. Branding is boring. Yes, that’s right. Branding is boring, especially for the in-house marketing team–but only if you’re doing it right. Good branding execution requires a cohesive, consistent look that adheres to guidelines that support and enhances the logo. It is achieved by reproducing the same visual elements in all communication products across…

The problem with plastic

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is one of the finest. The common grocery bag, upended and floating in the water looks every bit the iceberg it was intended to emulate. And the meaning is not lost either, the problem with plastic waste is huge, and this bag is only part of…

Paper to Save a Planet

The June 2018 issue of the National Geographic magazine came to subscribers in a paper wrap instead of the typical clear plastic sheath. It is part of a multi-year campaign “Planet or Plastic” to raise awareness of the plastic pollution threat to our world. By replacing the plastic sleeve on magazines mailed to subscribers in…

UI Inspire Newspaper

A newspaper spadea, or exclusive wrap, was designed to promote each building’s open house. It was added to all delivery subscriptions of the Sunday Des Moines Register the week prior to each opening. Two-page special features were published in other Iowa papers. Shown here is the Hancher spadea. The layouts for the other buildings followed…